The 2023 Elimination Diet Challenge

Starting January 11, 2023: 21+ Days Of Mindfulness & Wellness
New Years’ Resolutions should push you a little. They should be formidable but fulfilling. They should take some effort but provide immense gratification!
Are you looking for a Resolution that will give you some answers about your health and help you set the tone for the rest of the year? We invite you to join Dr. Marguerite Weston and her wellness team for our 2023 Elimination Diet Challenge! Together, we will motivate each other to stay strong as we remove the harshest foods from our diets for 21 days and slowly reintroduce them to pinpoint which ones have been causing those digestive problems this entire time.
Sign Up & Be Entered To Win Our First Giveaway!
You Deserve To Feel Your Best – & This Challenge Will Get You There!
Everything will take place on our private Facebook page, where we will announce prizes to keep you engaged, provide recipes to keep things fresh in the kitchen and offer support to keep you on track. Each participant can pick up a physical “Elimination Diet Survival Guide” binder that contains grocery shopping checklists, a food reintroduction timeline, some of Dr. Weston’s favorite recipes, mindfulness journal pages and more!
Where You Can Pick Up Your Elimination Diet Survival Guide:
- Our main office at 92 N. High Street Suite 260, Dublin, Ohio 43017
- Rise Chiropractic & Nutrition at 84 N. High Street Suite 1A, Dublin, OH 43017
What Is The Elimination Diet?
This is a unique dietary challenge that starts with 21 days of abstaining from the major gut health disruptors, including dairy, gluten, alcohol, caffeine, peanuts, shellfish, added sugar, processed meats and other common digestive irritants. Throughout this period, you will undoubtedly face some challenges but you will feel better, have more energy and may even be a little lighter thanks to the fat loss that comes with being more mindful of your diet!
After 3 weeks, we will begin to reintroduce those disruptors back into our diet – one at a time, with 2 days in between each. This will help you identify which foods help you and which could be the root cause of your daily discomfort.

Why Try The Elimination Diet?
- Lose some extra weight
- Become more mindful of what you’re putting in your body
- Identify foods and ingredients you’re intolerant of
- Have a deeper appreciation for certain foods
- Reset your tolerance for added sugar, caffeine and alcohol
- Try new foods and recipes that extend beyond your comfort zone
- Finally figure out what foods give you energy and which zap you completely
The Form & Function Facebook Group Will Keep You In The Game!
Dr. Weston and her team have established a network of motivation and functional medicine insight through their Form & Function group! We’re real. We’re down-to-Earth. And we struggle with aspects of health and wellness, too! Together, we will cheer each other on and offer support when things get tough. We’ll share motivating stories, progress pictures, struggle-bus memes and more – whatever it takes to help you push through the initial tough stages!
Want To Be Part Of The Challenge But Don’t Have Facebook?
We know a lot of people look to crack down on their social media usage as a resolution – and that’s OK! That’s why we’ve created a downloadable version of the Elimination Diet Survival Guide that you can use to get the most out of the Elimination Diet on your own time.
Simply fill out the form below and we will send the workbook straight to you. At the end of the challenge, you can submit your completed pages to us (physically or digitally) and be entered into our raffle to win prizes for taking part in the Elimination Diet!
Meet Our Special Guests & Community Wellness Advocates
Throughout our Elimination Diet Challenge, we will be bringing in local specialists to help keep you motivated and further your understanding of health as a whole!
Dr. Kayla Borchers: Physical Therapy & Holistic Wellness Expert
Dr. Borchers paints a full picture when it comes to personalized health and wellness. She’s a Board Certified Orthopaedic Clinical Specialist. She’s a registered Yoga Teacher. She’s a Prenatal/Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist. She’s an absolute force for good in our local community as she uses her skills to help her patients heal and live their best lives.
Dr. Nicole & Jay Short of Rise Chiropractic & Nutrition
Dr. Nicole Short uses her passion for understanding the human anatomy to further educate patients about the value of using movement as medicine and how to prevent injury while getting more in tune with your body. Jay Short is an exceptional nutrition coach who uses his unique experience and drive as an athlete to help individuals reach their top performance!
Remember: This Is A Challenge, But You Are Strong!
Dr. Weston, her team and your community will be with you each step of the way. We understand that removing caffeine from the diet can be difficult. Removing the midnight ice cream can feel like moving a mountain. But this isn’t forever and every day that you follow through on your promise to yourself, you work toward the goal of better understanding yourself and your body. You’ve got this – & we’ve got your back!
Have additional questions about the 2023 Elimination Diet Challenge?
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